Biodata of Teresa Cadierno

Teresa Cadierno is Professor of Second Language Acquisition at the University of Southern Denmark and Chair of Humanities at the Danish Institute for Advanced Study. Her research areas include (a) instructed second language acquisition with special focus on L2 input processing and the role of formal instruction in adult L2 learning; (b) the investigation of second language acquisition from the perspective of usage-based/cognitive linguistics, with special focus on L2 learning as the process of learning to re-think for speaking and the process of constructing an L2 system; and (c) child second language acquisition, with special focus on the role of starting age and a range of internal and external factors in the development of L2 English. Her work has appeared in high-caliber journals such as Language Learning, Applied Linguistics, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, The Modern Language Journal, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, and Frontiers in Psychology. She has co-edited three volumes within the area of applied cognitive linguistics: Linguistic Relativity in SLA: Thinking for Speaking (2010, Multilingual Matters), Usage-Based Perspectives on Second Language Learning (2016, Mouton de Gruyter) and Lingüística cognitiva y español LE/L2 (2019,Routledge), which AESLA granted the XXIII Rafael Monroy research prize. In 1996 she received the ACTFL – MLJ Paul Pimsleur Award for Research in Foreign Language Education. She has been the PI of several externally financed projects such as Usage-Based Second Language Acquisition (Velux Foundation) and The Younger, the Better?: A Usage-based Approach to Learning and Teaching of English in Danish Primary Schools (Danish Research Council for Independent Research).