
Plenary speakers

    • “Exploring Spanish Possessive Dative Constructions
    • Nicole Delbecque
    • Catholic University of Leuven.
    • “Emotion and metaphor”
    • Cristina Soriano Salinas
    • University of Geneva. Swiss Center for Affective Sciences.
    • “The whys and wherefores of language”
    • Iraide Ibarretxe Antuñano
    • University of Zaragoza.
    • “Multimodality in space and time metaphors”
    • Javier Valenzuela Manzanares
    • University of Murcia.

Roundtable “Cognitive Linguistics and Language Learning/Teaching”

    • Ana M.ª Piquer Píriz
    • University of Extremadura.
    • Teresa Cadierno
    • University of Southern Denmark.
    • Llorenç Comajoan Colomé
    • University of Vic.