
Building Engineering in the National and International Framework: Management Models and Curricula

Since drafting the White Paper on the Bachelor’s Degree in Building Engineering, the focus on studies with similar academic content and related professional activities has been constant. Today, the existing links between schools where degrees in Technical Architecture and/or Building Engineering are taught, both nationally and internationally, have been strengthened. This is thanks to the signing of collaboration agreements enabling government teams, faculty and students to acquire a holistic perspective and new skills which favour teaching, research and management tasks in these centres

The contributions to be included in this panel will be aimed at exploring in greater depth the following issues:

  • Management of centres and departments
  • Quality management programmes for degrees, centres and departments
  • Management of national and international agreements
  • Promotion of the internationalisation of teaching (exchange programmes for teaching staff, students and administrative and service staff)
  • Incorporation of bilingualism in teaching practices
  • Incorporation of aspects related to inclusion and sustainability in the centres
Active teaching approaches in undergraduate and postgraduate courses

The Schools of Technical Architecture and Building Engineering implement a series of teaching strategies and methods within the particularities of each syllabus. These favour the acquisition and improvement of the skills students should achieve in accordance with the objectives set out in Order ECI/3855/2007. The fundamental change that has taken place in the university environment, and which has made teachers take on a new role and professional identity, is the evolution from teaching based on teaching to another based on learning thus the need for different methods and strategies to improve educational practice.

Furthermore, in the last decade many of our schools have acted as a seed in the expansion of the official Master’s degrees catalogue, providing a varied offer to graduates. These offer new skills not only in the field of research, but also in professional spheres, since they have been acquired through specialisation thus placing professionals at an advanced level of qualification.

Contributions to this roundtable should be based on the following topics:

  • Approaches used in any of the subjects making up the different training modules, Undergraduate and/or MA Dissertation
  • Activities related to student evaluation
  • Experiences related to teacher planning
  • Experiences in the evaluation of teaching and learning processes
  • Incorporation models in teaching practice for new teachers
  • Experiences in tutorial action
Innovation and digital transformation of teaching

The current university scenario presents important challenges for a real and effective transformation of the teaching environment through implementation of innovative teaching and learning models. These favour an improvement in the materials developed as well as the transfer of knowledge not only to the academic sphere, but also to social and productive spheres.

One of the strongest commitments of educational innovation has also been to provide new information channels, using tools and resources that have favoured the digital training of teachers and students in this area. Teachers are becoming increasingly aware of this reality and of its practical utility, which is why there is a growing number of people interested in issues related to educational innovation.

This roundtable will assess, among other topics, the presentation of papers related to:

  • Strategies to promote the creation and consolidation of teaching innovation teams, both at the individual centre and inter-university level
  • Experiences in Teaching Innovation Projects
  • Implementing the culture of entrepreneurship in teaching practice
  • Digitalisation of teaching and virtualisation processes
  • Dissemination of academic activity to society as a whole
Building Research

Growing research in the Schools allows them to lead experiences in both fundamental and applied research. The results are oriented towards experimental development in the production of new materials, products and/or devices as well as the implementation or improvement of new processes, systems and services, promoting a shift towards the most contemporary social demands. All this has resulted in an increase in the number of research projects financed in competitive call for tender, the creation of research networks, the development of theses or MA Dissertations, which are contributing to the effective transformation of the environment in a multidisciplinary framework. 

In this context, the contributions to be included in this roundtable will centre on the following issues:

  • Experiences in introducing scientific research
  • Participation in research networks
  • Participation in public and private research projects (international, national, regional, ascribed to each university’s own plans or financed within the framework of companies)
  • Transversality of inter-school research
  • Multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity of research in Building