Prof. Stefan Odenbach
TU Dresden, GermanyKeynote Lecture: Can materials be smart? The fascination of magnetic hybrid materials
Stefan Odenbach got his diploma and Ph.D. in physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich. After a postdoc period in Wuppertal, he changed to the Centre for Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM) in Bremen where he obtained his habilitation in Fluid Mechanics. From 2005 he held a full professorship for “Magnetofluiddynamics, Measuring an Automation Technology” in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TU Dresden. He has been the spokesperson of two major German research structurers – so-called priority programs – on magnetic hybrid materials financed by DFG.
Since more than 25 years he’s interested in research on magnetic hybrid materials – ranging from ferrofluids to magnetic elastomers and gels and covering topics like magnetorheology, transport phenomena or microstructural analysis of materials.