Prof. Andrejs Cebers

University of Latvia, Latvia

Keynote Lecture: Magnetic droplets and flexible filaments: models and numerical simulations

Prof. A.Cebers graduated State University of Latvia in 1971. He obtained his degrees: Candidate of physical-mathematical sciences, Moscow State University, in 1977, Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, Moscow State University,1987 and Dr.hab.phys., Scientific Council of Latvia in 1992. From 1997 he is Professor in theoretical physics of University of Latvia, head of department of theoretical physics and associated with its Laboratory of Magnetic Soft Materials. Starting from 1992 he has been many times invited professor at University Paris 6, University Paris 7, University of Nice and Sophia Antipolis, researcher in Orsay University and others. He is True Member of Academy of Sciences of Latvia (from 1993), True Member of Academy Europaea (2005). In 2021 he was nominated by the French government “Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques” for contribution into French culture. He is editor in chief of international journal Magnetohydrodynamics (from 2000). He is author of more than 250 papers and 3 books. His Hirsh factor is 30 (Web of Science).