Ladislau Vékás
Laboratory of Magnetic Fluids, CFATR Romanian Academy, RomaniaPlenary Lecture: Ferrofluids and ferrofluid driven manufacturing of new materials: advanced characterization and applications
Dr. Ladislau,Vékás is the director of the Center for Fundamental and Advanced Technical Research from Timişoara of the Romanian Academy (2009-). PhD in Physics in 1983 at the University “A.I.Cuza” Iaşi, Romania. He was among the founders of the Laboratory of Magnetic Fluids from Timişoara in 1975 and from 1991 to 2008 the head of this laboratory. He acted as responsible/coordinator of over 60 multi-annual national and international research projects referring to synthesis, manifold characterization of ferrofluids, magnetorheological fluids and magnetic nanocomposite particles, as well as to ferrofluidic rotating seals, magnetorheological brakes, clutches and seismic dampers. Magnetic fluids manufacturing and leakage-free rotating seal technology were transferred and up-scaled at ROSEAL Co. (Romania). Dr. Vékás is member of the International Steering Committee of Magnetic Fluids. He is currently member of the Editorial Boards of Romanian Reports in Physics (Romanian Academy), Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, series A, Magnetochemistry (MDPI), Frontiers in Physics, Frontiers in Chemistry. Publications: over 200 papers in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings (135+ in WoS Core Collection); 2 books, 15 book chapters; a great number of talks at national and international conferences, symposia, and workshops; he is also co-author of 16 patents in the field of ferrofluids and applications. Dr. Ladislau,Vékás is member of the Romanian Academy (2012-) and of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (1993-).